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Caregiver Quiz

Score each item on a scale of 1 through 7 :

1 (Never)
2 (Once or twice)
3 (Rarely)
4 (Sometimes)
5 (Often)
6 (Usually)
7 (Always)

Score In caring for a loved one, how often do you have the following experiences:
Feeling resentful
Feeling trapped
Being tired, not getting enough sleep
Feeling weary
Feeling troubled
Feeling helpless
Poor appetite or overeating
Being physically exhausted
Feeling disillusioned
Feeling useless
Being utterly drained of feeling
Feeling "burned out"
Being unhappy
Feeling anxious
Feeling rejected

If your score is under 60, you're in good shape. If your total score is 60 or above, the stress of taking care of your parent is beginning to take its toll. If it's 90 or above, you are living with caregiver burnout. You are not alone! A study conducted by the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP found that more than half of those who provide major care for parents (and one in four who provide any care) experience stress and strain. Prolonged stress can have serious physical and emotional consequences.

But there are things you can do to manage that stress: